Monday, July 6, 2009

Sripad Damodara Maharaja preaches at the Pietermaritzburg Nama Hatta

Hare Krsna Devotees
All Glories to Srila Gurudeva

Please accept my Dandavat pranams.

We were very fortuanate in the last
2 weeks we had the association of Sripad
Damodara Maharaja with us here in Pietermaritzburg
and also Maharaja was travelling to Durban meeting
with devotees and also preaching at different programmes
organised by devotees.We were even more fortuanate that
last week another senior Godbrother arrives Sriman Madhuvrata
prabhu who is the personal cook of our Beloved Srila Gurudeva
Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja and also travels with our
Srila Gurudeva and has graced us with his association here in

Madhuvrata prabhu sings very beautiful Gaudiya Bhajans
very melodiously that one gets lost in the song when prabhu
sings.Madhuvrata prabhu also related some sweet pastimes
of our Beloved Srila Gurudeva.Last Friday Sripad Damodara
Maharaja and Madhuvrata prabhu attended our Nama Hatta
and Damodara Maharaja spoke on the verse from the Bhakti
Rasamrta Sindu Bindu "anyabhilasita-sunyam
jnana karmady-anavrtam
anukulyena krsnanu-
silanam bhaktir uttama


"The cultivation of activities that are meant exclusively for the
pleasure of Sri Krsna,or in other words the uninterrupted flow
of service to Sri Krsna,performed through all endeavours of
the body,mind and speech,and through the expression of various spiritual
sentiments(bhavas), which is not covered by jnana(knowledge aimed at
impersonal liberation) and karma (reward -seeking activity),and which
is devoid of all desires other than the aspiration to bring happiness to Sri
Krsna, is called uttama-bhakti, pure devotional service."

Maharaja expained each word in this sloka beggining with
Anusilinam-Constant cultivation.
We would like to thank Maharaja for explaining this sloka
to us Maharaja is a real pandita.Maharaja is assiting
all the devotees in South Africa and assisting us in
preparing for our Beloved Srila Gurudeva`s Divine
Historic visit to South Africa and will return in November
to finalise all the arrangements.

Maharaja is now in Johannesburg delivering Hari Katha
and making arrangements for our Beloved Srila Gurudeva.
Anyone there who would like to meet with Maharaja please
contact Maharaja on +27714164211.

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