Saturday, July 25, 2009

Successful preaching in Kwa-Zulu Natal by Syamarani devi dasi

Hare Krsna all
All Glories to Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada
Please accept my dandavat pranams.

We are extremely fortuanate to be having
all this very High Class Vaishnava Sadhu Sanga.
First it was Sripad Damodara Maharaja,then
Madhuvrata prabhu our beloved Srila Gurudeva`s
personal cook now HG Syamarani and Vasanti didi`s.
Syamarani didi as you all may know her as Jadurani
devi dasi ,who met Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada in 1966.Syamarani didi recalls that
early meeting in Thomkins square park with
fond memories and recalls how she was thinking
that Srila Prabhupada was from a different planet
and then after closeley associating and serving
her Gurudeva she realised he actually was from
a different planet not material though but from
Sri Goloka Vrndavan Dham.

Syamarani didi also recalls how Srila Prabhupada
thought her to paint although she was an art
student who had graduated from the New York
art university and when Srila Prabhupada asked
to see her paintings she did not show him which
painting she had drawn but showed a friends
painting but Srila Prabhupada being transcendental
picked out her drawing and in this way by Srila
Prabhupada`s mercy instructed didi how to
paint Sri Radha and Krsna and many other
transcendental paintings including for his
books and temples.

Syamarani didi also recalled how after Srila
Prabhupada`s dissapeareance in 1992
she met our Beloved Srila Gurudeva
Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja
her Siksha Gurudeva and also relates
how according to Srila Prabhupada
and our previous Acharaya`s there
is no difference between the Diksha
Guru and the Siksha Guru.Srila
Prabhupada has written about this in
his books.Now under the guidance of
our Beloved Srila Gurudeva didi is
painting all these beautiful paintings
and the most famous one is the one
titled Seva Kunj which was personally
supervised by our Srila Srila Gurudeva
and said that this painting of the Divine
couple Sri Sri Radha and Krsna is actually
a picture of his heart.

Now by the Mercy of our Beloved Srila Gurudeva
Syamarani didi is travelling all over the world
and delivering Hari Katha as she has heard from
the Lotus Mouths of her Beloved Diksha and Siksha
Gurudeva`s.We are eternally grateful for didi`s
association and all of her advice.Actually whilst
writing this blog Didi phoned me from Johannesburg
and requested me to do some thing,at first i hesitated
and then agreed and i told her i have so much respect
and also she has so much Guru Nistha for both her
Diksha and Siksha Gurudeva`s something which
i`m hoping to have in one future life.By always
associating with devotees who already has such
qualtiies then i`m sure i`ll be successful one day.


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